OPINION: "Life is a computer Program"

Despite some differences, a Life and a Computer Program have many similarities. In this article, I will analyze the similarities between them. First I define some of the terms as:

Computer Program: "A computer program is a collection of instructions"

Life :"A human life is a collection of instructions"

Programmer: One who writes programs

Environment: The way a program is written . A computer program is written in another computer program such as IDE.

States: A possible situation of a program such as on lab, running, paused, killed, died etc.

Computer Program
Human Life
Computer Programmer(s)
The God (s)
Programming languages. Computer Program is written in editors, the computer programs. Not all editors can be used to write programs.
Human life is written using parents, the human lives . Not all parents are used to write human lives.

executes inside computers
executes in planets

communicate each other using protocols. Mismatch in protocols means no communication.
communicate each others using languages. Mismatch in languages means no communication.

the dimension (height, width etc) depends on the the purpose and devices (computer, mobile phones, pda etc)
depends on the state to states.

in lab, written, running, killed, stopped
in belly, born, running, killed (by accidents, wars etc), died


handled by Exception handlers. Not all programs have such facilities like programs in C vs programs Java.
handled by Insurances. Not all people have such facilities.

A program can kill other programs with or without any reasons.
A human can kill other humans with or without any reasons.

A program may depend on other programs like packages, APIs
A human may depends on other humans e.g. espouse, parents etc

have hierarchies. Operating Systems are the big bosses.
have hierarchies. State heads, company executives are the big bosses..

Can be written in a lab and be sent to other places for execution.
May born in a place and live in another place

NOTE: If you have other similarities in your mind, let us share...